In recent weeks we started checking out a local church here in the valley called The Lamb's Fellowship.

They seem to have a pretty awesome mission going on. Dynamic speakers, uplifting music, and soul nourishing-spiritually fulfilling sermons. Unfortunately, Alicia and I work every other weekend so we're unable to attend every service. When we first went we thought that their Saturday night service started at 8:30 pm, but we must have heard wrong, it started at 6:00 pm. We both rushed after work church only to find out that we were the only two cars parked in the parking lot! Haha.
One of Alicia's coworkers hosted a summer time pool party for friends and families in the La Cresta neighborhood. This area is absolutely beautiful with breathtaking views of the valley and estate size homes and land. We had a great time hanging out with everyone there, even took a dip in the pool as the kids squirted us with water guns. I think one of my favorite parts was the food, they had a taco guy there! Muy Delicioso! Alicia had one of our neighbor's bring a celebratory cake for the whole ED staff. It was quite impressive!
We also met up with some friends/ co-workers at Tom and Heather's house in Yucaipa for a "wine n' dine" evening. Alicia and I brought these stuffed mushrooms featured in the Atkins Diet, they came out so good! If I wasn't a nurse I'd be a chef for sure... We had a great evening catching up with old friends and making new ones. Guess we're going to be hosting the next one! Our friend Meagan and her daughter carpooled with us and her daughter used the backseat DVD player. First time I ever used that thing, I think it'll come in handy one of these days when we have kids of our own.
Speaking of kids and babies and such... Jason, Patti, and Dylan are coming down for a visit this labor day weekend! We're so excited to have them over. This will be Dylan's first big trip to Southern/ Southeastern California.
What else? Well, we could always chat about the weather! Haha, well, speaking of, it has been very warm the past few days with temperatures reaching over 100 F daily. Today the valley actually actually had a few fires, one of which I think is still burning down close to the Riverside/ San Diego county line, hope it doesn't spread any more because there goes wine country... What's nice though is that sometimes the hot weather brings us beautiful skies...
Alright readers, I've taken enough of your time. I'll post more as the days, err.., weeks go on. Hope you had a restful weekend and hoping you have a great week! At least Monday is out of the way, phew.