Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Welcome! You've made it to our Blog!  We wanted to be able to create something that would allow our friends and family to stay connected.

Our blog started back in June of this year with a "re-cap" post from our wedding in April.  We tried to keep up on our postings but sometimes life just gets so busy and I only managed one post a month! Hum, do I perhaps see a New Years resolution is in order here? Haha.

I'm sure a lot of you want to know how married life has been.... IT'S BEEN WONDERFUL! Alicia and I have a had a great time enjoying each others company, furnishing our home, making plans for the future, and even just figuring out the daily housekeeping tasks.

For those of you who don't know, we live in the Temecula Valley which is about one hour north of San Diego. On our days off we love taking a quick drive to the local area wineries!  If any of you every want to come and check those out- we would be happy to show you the best of what Temecula Wineries have to offer! Lake Skinner is also just a few short miles away from us. Besides taking the pups (Ella, Bentley, and Rocco) out to expend some of the never-ending supply of energy that they seem to have, we love just hanging out at home. Alicia has this new found addiction to Pinterest, and she always has some new home improvement or recipe for us to try!

After the wedding, Alicia said goodbye, a sad goodbye, to Loma Linda University Children's Hospital- PICU and began a new job at Loma Linda University Medical Center - Murrietta in the Emergency Department. It was definitely a change, but the staff there welcomed her with open arms and the good friends from PICU provided much support and encouragement. I started my second year at Kaiser Fontana in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. It's great to see how far we have come in just one short year. Both the PICU and the ED are growing every day. It has been such a great experience to be apart of a new and growing unit. We both are learning so much everyday.

As this year comes to a close and the Christmas season is upon us we reflect on all its' unforgettable moments - Our wedding, trips and vacations, quality time spent with family and friends, and learning to be a husband and a wife. Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year, it's cliche, but it would be cool if Christmas was everyday! well... minus the crowded stores and long lines of course. We hope this holiday season brings you, your family, and friends closer together and that new memories and traditions can be made.

We're looking forward to 2012 with much joy and anticipation as a every new year brings new adventures, new memories, and opportunities.

Continue to check back in and read our blog as I'm sure we'll be posting more in the weeks and months to come.

May God bless you and your loved ones this holiday season!

With Love,

Aaron and Alicia Akamine

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